() unit6 is he your grandpa (lead-in & cartoon time) let’s review who are they in liu tao’s family grandmother grandma cousin uncle aunt grandfather grandpa let’s say grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousin. we all love each other! we are happy together! that’s a big family! let’s chant grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousin 你觉得什么是大家庭呢? what do you think of a big family 这是本单元的大问题,思考一下,不急于现在回答哦~ let’s think who are they in sam’s family grandpa father cousin let’s listen 快速浏览故事,找一找你觉得最好玩的地方 who is john let’s scan 带着问题仔细读故事,谁是john let’s tick he’s my grandfather john. let’s learn yes,he is. he is john too. let’s learn he is my cousin john. let’s learn what else will sam say i am sam, your old friend. why do you say “john” let’s think ... why does bobby say “john” in picture 4 let’s think no. this is me! my name is sam. 注意模仿语音语调哦~ let’s repeat 注意模仿语音语调哦~ let’s repeat let’s repeat 注意模仿语音语调哦~ 与同伴内分角色朗读。 可以适当加入自己的语言哦~ 2人组合作表演。 let’s act why do they have the same name 文化链接 在西方国家,父母为孩子取名时,会使用这个家族中长辈的名字,以此表达对前辈的尊敬、爱戴或纪念。 let’s think how are chinese and english names different let’s share 姓名分享会 晨曦 建国 思睿 婷婷 乐乐 …… what’s your name how are chinese and english names different 文化链接 在中国,父母为孩子取名时,会避免直接使用祖辈的名字,以示尊敬。 let’s think fun amazing great ... let’s think the big alphabet family meet new members in alphabet family. 认识新成员 let’s say let’s circle read the story again and find the letters “rr”, “ss”and “tt”. (再读卡通,圈出含有字母“rr” “ss” “tt”的单词。) rr ss tt let’s learn do you know other words with the letters “rr”, “ss”and “tt” let’s write let’s think what makes a big family that’s a big question. grandpa and grandma, father and mother, uncle, aunt and cousin, brother, sister and me. many family members, make a big family! let’s chant homework 1.read the cartoon fluently and act it out. 2.say the chant to your family. 3.read and write the letters rr, ss,tt. 感谢您的观看 thank you
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