() unit 3 getting along with others welcome to the unit & reading 1.to grasp the main idea of the forum exchange and summarize the structure of forum exchange. 2.to use the words and phrases from the text correctly and understand the collocations related to friendship and friend and learn to use contrastive linking words to connect sentences. what do you think of a good friend warm-up for the unit “the glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.” -- ralph waldo emerson warm-up for the unit answers by ralph waldo emerson an american transcendentalist(超验主义) poet, philosopher and essayist during the 19th century. one of his best-known essays is "self-reliance.” 友谊之光环,不在于张开之手臂,善意之笑容,交往之乐趣;而在于当发现他人信任你并愿意将友谊托付给你时感到的精神鼓励 discuss in pairs 1. what friendship problems have you had share your experience. misunderstanding made mistakes lack of communication warm-up for reading the forum exchange below includes a post written by amy, a teenage girl who had a problem with her best friend jenny, and two replies. read the forum exchange and complete the table below with the key information from the exchange. understanding the text a1 locate the key information with the hints in the chart reading strategy time point saturday morning saturday afternoon monday 2. character amy cindy david understanding the text amy’s problem saturday morning: amy’s friend said she was ill and might not be able to make it to the cinema. saturday afternoon (2) _____ _____ monday (3) _____ _____ amy’s friend was seen to chat with another girl in a café. amy avoided her all day and didn’t want to responding her messages. timeline read the forum exchange again carefully and answer the following questions. how did amy view her friend before 2.what did amy and her friend plan to do last saturday afternoon remember to locate the key information according to key words in the questions such as the content/ the way/ the character/ the time. a2 3.how did amy feel when she was cheated by her best friend understanding the text how did amy view her friend before she regarded her friend almost as a sister to her as they had a close relationship for eight years and were hardly out of each other’s sight. 2. what did amy and her friend plan to do last saturday afternoon they planed to see a film at the cinema in that afternoon. 3.how did amy feel when she was cheated by her best friend she was so angry that she avoided her during school all day. understanding the text beginning plan to see a film together developing jenny had a cold climax friend ‘s “illness” was a complete lie ending your ending your story happy worried shocked angry stressed how did the story develop step by step p ... ...
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